Monday, February 22, 2010


UGH!!!!! Its so true that we men and women come from different planets and speak a different lingo!

Tonight i made the mistake of using words/phrases saying things like...
"I want us to invest in our relationship", "focus on 'us" etc"

I know , i know... many of you are probably gagging right now (well i have only one follower so far so maybe not too many gags)

I was actually really happy about the relationship and just trying to convey the idea that i want to spend more time together and keep moving forward etc.

Timbot however took, these phrases to mean that i needed some big drastic change, that i was unhappy, that things weren't good.

(truth is our relationship needs work... but who's doesn't??)

BUT at this point in time i was totally just in a positive mood and thinking out loud.
He on the other hand nearly suffered a small stroke.

I must remember to translate my rambling girl thoughts into "boy lingo" from here on in. I'm ridiculous. My roommate just had a major laugh at me about the whole ordeal.

But its all good. Had a chat with Timbot and set his mind at ease and we both laughed about it. So I'm off to bed while giggling. Not bad for a Monday.

Good night world.


  1. I know you're new on the block...but I want to give you a blog award because I think what you're doing is fabulous and I look forward to many more posts from you!!

    Go see my blog for the info...

  2. Hey, I found your blog through Erin's and just wanted to stop by. Your posts are hilarious! Can't wait to read more.
